劇情榮譽榜講述了:At the start of high school, Piper, Sophie, Isabella and Honor think they will be best friends forever, so they sink a time capsule in the lake with a list of things they want to do before graduation. By senior year, they have gone their separate ways. Piper has turned into the class clown, party girl who never passes up a drink. Sophie pledges to stay a virgin until she is married and has created a purity app. Isabella is the feminist femme fatale who's the editor of a zine. And Honor is the pride and joy of the community. Her dream of being a professional ballerina is taking off. But when tragedy strikes, the former BFFs must reunite, break open the capsule and complete the pre-graduation bucket list. 這些??新景點被賦予更多時代內容和文化底色,共同塑造出了現代文明與傳統文化交相輝映的新北京??。 為響應全國“新時代發現新地標”工作部署,市文化和旅游局發布“新時代新北京新十六景??”評選活動,將聯合相關部門和媒體開展評選。 活動現場,區文化和旅游局花式推介暑期“偏要去北京”的理由?。